Second season of web series ‘LOL’ in post
Four months and two webseries later, I’ve been able to get back to editing ‘LOL‘ – the project I shot over the December holidays.
Clocking in at 88 scenes, it’s a pretty huge amount of rushes. The first season was shot over a handful of weekends spread across a year, this time… it was all done across three weeks. Good news for continuity, but enough material to give Premiere Pro CC a run for it’s money.
Speaking of which – having edited almost exclusively on Final Cut 7 for the past few years, I’ve now made the switch over to Premiere. It’s wide no-transcoding-needed format support, LUT capabilities, fast rendering and close ties to After Effects and Audition have made life easy. Still somewhat buggy though – so I’ve dialled the auto save to a 2 minute interval.
Currently completed rough cuts on the first three webisodes… a trailer will be on its way shortly.